LDPE Zip-Lock Bags PP Flat Bags BOPP Bags

Released on = February 26, 2007, 10:41 pm

Press Release Author = Econcept Infotech

Industry = Advertising

Press Release Summary = Are you looking for Manufacturer, Exporter, Traders,
Suppliers, Sellers of LDPE Zip-Lock Bags PP Flat Bags BOPP Bags?

Press Release Body = Are you looking for Manufacturer, Exporter, Traders, Suppliers,
Sellers of LDPE Zip-Lock Bags PP Flat Bags BOPP Bags?

ask4plastic.com is a plastics, rubber, packaging industry exclusive online Business
To Business (B2B) directory / marketplace / bazaar where you find fresh Buy, Sell,
Biz offers only for plastics, rubber, packaging industry from all around the world.

Our aim is to LDPE Zip-Lock Bag PP Flat Bag BOPP Bag Manufacturers / Sellers to
directly export / sell their products. So they get good busines and come in direct
contact with Buyers.

Please copy and paste following link to get most competitive priceing of LDPE
Zip-Lock Bags PP Flat Bags BOPP Bags Extruder Machine Line Machinery Equipment Plant
suppliers from all across the world.


We have nearly 5,000 visitors per day and 60% of this visitors are repeat visitors
because ask4plastic.com is a only site where you find fresh Buy inquiry for plastic,
rubber, packaging products.

We have successfully providing service since last Three ( 4 ) years. We have
database of more than 15,000 offers of which 9,500 offers are Buy offers.

Please copy & Paste here to post FREE trade leads ( buy, sell, biz offer ) in
ask4plastic.com and get new customers, suppliers from all across the world.


Gujarat INDIA
Phone:- +91-79-26762474
Fax:- +91-79-40031030

Web Site = http://www.ask4plastic.com/member/LDPE-Zip-Lock-Bags-PP-BOPP-Flat-Bags.htm

Contact Details = http://www.ask4plastic.com/
Gujarat INDIA
Phone:- +91-79-26762474
Fax:- +91-79-40031030

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